Engineering Services
Softvise Cadmium provides groundbreaking functionalities that were not available previously or were not available at speeds that allow for their smooth application in day-to-day operation.
Having adopted Softvise Cadmium, many of our customers chose to optimize their processes, sometimes at a small scale or sometimes at a larger scale.
As a consequence, Softvise has been asked to not only provide installation and training support but also help directly in tuning specific stages of the process chain.

Maintaining the Digital Twin
In essence, Softvise Cadmium is a powerful tool to maintain a Digital Twin consisting of 3D models from various sources including 3D CAD data, airborne or terrestrial 3D laser scans and GIS models with their associated alphanumerical data.
Our engineers help to design and implement efficient processes for creating, updating and utilizing the Digital Twin.
3D Model Lifecycle Management
Tool chain for gathering 3D data, file formats, meta-data specifications, update and sharing of data
Decision Support
Data analysis and reporting for finance, scheduling and resource planning
Coordination of Trades
Management of engineering conflicts and construction progress monitoring
Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality
Quality management, as-built vs. as-planned analysis, Failure mode and effects analysis
Software Development
As the maker of Softvise Cadmium and its underlying computer graphics and model database technology, Softvise is in the position of developing customer-specific features.
Depending on the project, these features find their way into our products or remain for exclusive use by our customers.
Feature Requests
Softvise treats feature requests by its customers with top priority.
Features implemented so far include, among others, support for new file formats, generation of sectional drawings and functions for scheduling and resource planning.
Hardware Support
The work with Softvise Cadmium often benefits from using specific hardware like stereoscopic displays or Virtual Reality headsets and input devices such as the SpaceMouse.
Hardware support that has been added include the 3D PluraView, the zSpace and various game pads.
Custom Applications
Softvise has complete flexibility to create customized versions of its products.
Development so far include tools for object recognition, model simplification, generation of artificial X-ray images and 3D visualization frontends to Artificial Intelligence systems.